Vald Mirror Gateway

Vald Mirror Gateway is an optional component of the Vald, allowing the vector data to be synchronized across multiple Vald clusters.

This component makes it possible to enhance availability during a cluster failure.


Vald Mirror Gateway is responsible for the followings:

  • Forward user requests (Insert / Upsert / Update / Remove) to the other Vald Mirror Gateways in the same group.
  • Manages the state of indexes stored in all clusters to ensure they are consistent.


This chapter shows the main features to fulfill Vald Mirror Gateway’s role:

  • Full mesh connection
  • Request forwarding
  • Automatic rollback on failure

Full mesh connection

The Vald Mirror Gateway is designed to interconnect with Vald Mirror Gateways in other Vald clusters.

Vald Mirror Gateway uses a Custom Resource called the ValdMirrorTarget to manage the connection destination information between Vald Mirror Gateways.

The ValdMirrorTarget is a Custom Resource related to the connection destination to other Vald Mirror Gateway.

When two Vald clusters contain Vald Mirror Gateways, Vald Mirror Gateways can send the request to each other by applying ValdMirrorTarget.

For more information about ValdMirrorTarget configuration, please refer to Custom Resource Configuration.

Request forwarding

The Vald Mirror Gateway forwards the incoming user request (Insert / Upsert / Update / Remove) to other Vald Mirror Gateways. Then, while forwarding the user request, the Vald Mirror Gateway bypasses the incoming user request to Vald LB Gateway in its own cluster.

On the other hand, if the incoming user request is an Object API or Search API, it is bypassed to only a Vald LB Gateway in its own cluster without forwarding it to other Vald Mirror Gateways.

Continuous processing on failure

The request may fail at the forwarding destination or the bypass destination.

If some of the requests fails, the processing continues based on their status code.

Here’s an overview of how the Mirror Gateway handles failures for each type of request.

For more information about status code, please refer to Mirror Gateway Troubleshooting.

  • Insert Request

    • If the target host returns a status code of ALREADY_EXISTS, the Update request is sent to this host.
    • If the target host returns a status code other than OK, ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns that status code without continuous processing.
    • If all target hosts return a status code ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns ALREADY_EXISTS.
    • If all target hosts return a status code OK or ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns OK.
  • Update Request

    • If the target host returns a status code NOT_FOUND, the Insert request is sent to this host.
    • If the target host returns a status code other than OK, ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns that status code without continuous processing.
    • If all target hosts return a status code ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns ALREADY_EXISTS.
    • If all target hosts return a status code OK or ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns OK.
  • Upsert Request

    • If all target hosts return a status code ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns ALREADY_EXISTS.
    • If the target host returns a status code other than OK or ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns that status code without continuous processing.
    • If all target hosts return a status code OK or ALREADY_EXISTS, the Mirror Gateway returns OK.
  • Remove/RemoveByTimestamp Request

    • If all target hosts return a status code NOT_FOUND, the Mirror Gateway returns NOT_FOUND.
    • If the target host returns a status code other than OK or NOT_FOUND, the Mirror Gateway returns that status code without continuous processing.
    • If all target hosts return a status code OK or NOT_FOUND, the Mirror Gateway returns OK.

See also